Tuesday, April 11, 2006

This was scan of soap bubbles, I then made a square selection and used the polar cordinates filter on it twice, rotating the image between the two applications.

I think I have decided how to finish my Celtic frescoe fragment now. It is worked on top of a piece of felt so I will apply that to a background fabric and do the hand stitching through both layers. Then the background fabric will be laced onto the mounting board. I want it to look like a fragment of painted wall in the end. I think this might do it.


jackie said...

You must have needed some patience to scan soap bubbles. Last week at work we did a Mindfulness exercise,just doing one thing in the moment- we went outside and blew bubbles. It was lovely. They went so so far into the blue sky before popping. Your picture reminded me of those few moments.

Dorothy Gibbs said...

Thanks Jackie. Love the story of blowing bubbles.

Digitalgran said...

Great bubble Dorothy and great to have you with us.

Digitalgran said...

Lovely bubble Dorothy.
Great to see what you are doing.

Gill said...

We need to know how you scanned that bubble, Dorothy...

Liz Plummer said...

Wow. This is gorgeous, Dorothy. So beautiful.

Downunderdale said...

that's glorious Dorothy - it could grow into a 3D embroidery easily

Gill said...

Now I know how you did it, I am in awe of your patience, Dorothy!!

Dorothy Gibbs said...

Thanks Gill and all.
I have endless patience with some things ... like this for instance. None at all for others, such as knitting! grin